It takes a while for me to post because of real life work.
But I am working on concluding Caroline Springs. It should be out, hopefully, the end of this week.
I plan to publish longer form stories (short novels) online.
For the readers who bought my first book, Serial Women, I would love to hear from you. Did you like the book? I finished its sequel and will publish it soon. I hope there is some interest there.
For those who haven't read it, it's available at:
If there's enough interest, I'll publish second and final book. Most long form stories, I will publish on the Patreon website.
I am working on another novel called: "Girl Scout Cookies." A horror novel on a troop of murderous young girls traveling across Canada collecting their special ingredient for their cookie recipe. The only thing these girls love more than nuts, is how to collect them. They prefer the nuts well tenderized before harvest.
I would love to hear from the readers. Your messages inspire me to write.