Sunday, June 11, 2017

New books!

I hope there are readers out there who appreciate the stories I write!

I am coming out with three books under cock and ball punishment/thriller/horror genre.

"Serial Women Part 2" follows Kendra's adventure as a serial collector (killer) as she makes her way around Europe.

"Serial Women Part 3." Kendra mentors a young girl from Australia. They travel through the Middle East and South East Asia, collecting souvenirs from each nation, while avoiding the Interpol who is on their trail.

"W.L.A." introduces the world to a secret group of women that intends to subjugate all men in their domestic lives. Fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, uncles, find out they are merely objects. It's less bloody than Serial Women, but no less violent.

I will still continue coming up with stories on this site.



  1. OMG can't wait!!!

  2. Dating Lindsey Chapter 5

  3. your stories have inspired me to create my own F/M ball busting stories blog, I hope you can check it out :)


Dear Readers: Please subscribe to onlyfans and patreon pages where I will publish longer stories and write customs.